Work Life Balance

Aiming to Improve Employee Happiness

We have been promoting work style reforms since FY2018, and considering that there should be a combination of employees ahead of schedule, we are working to achieve our company policy target of at least 80% (HAPPY 80!) of employees' well-being by 2025.
Together, all employees from the top of the company are working together to implement work style reforms, and by reviewing conventional work methods from a new perspective, we are working to create a workplace that has a work-life balance and is pleasant to work in.
To this end, we use a moral survey to gather the opinions of all employees and visualize problems within the company, reflecting them in the company's efforts to meet the needs of the times. In this way, we aim to create a company where each and every employee feels "pleasure" and has a vibrant smile of employees.


Happiness promotion office

in fiscal 2019 we established the "Happiness promotion office" as an organization of the Human Resources Department.

Efforts at the Happiness promotion office

At the same time, the Happiness promotion office promotes the elimination of wasteful work from the conventional work and the improvement of work efficiency (e.g. IT), thereby reducing the burden on employees and improving productivity.
In order to cope with diversifying work styles, the Human Resources Department is working together to create an environment in which women can play active roles in the company, and to create an environment in which men can play active roles not only in work but also at home, and can actively cooperate in childcare and nursing care.
In addition, we propose a system in which employees and their families work together, and by raising the level of employee happiness, we aim to be a company in which employees are pleased to work and are highly evaluated from outside the company.
Efforts at the Happiness promotion office